Backing Tracks For Educational Purposes

If you’re like me, then you’ll always be learning, practising, growing and developing. We’re all on this journey of jazz together and as a thank you, I wanted to share these backing tracks. These are great for when you’re practising specific concepts, methods and techniques.


Major 7 Workout (All 12 Keys)


Minor 7 Workout (All 12 Keys)


Dominant 7 Workout (All 12 Keys)


II-V-I in 12 Major Keys


II-V-I in 12 Minor Keys


Drone in F (Concert)


Dominant7(b9b13) Exercise


Minor 7 Exercise (Only 4 Chords)


Major 7 Exercise (Only 4 Chords)


Dominant 7 Exercise


Accompanying Backing Tracks For Jazz Books


Backing Tracks For Educational Purposes (Jazz Standards)